Project Description



Python is a general-purpose language created in the early 1990s. It has become popular in business and academic applications.

The Python language uses an interpreter, which is a program that both translates and exe- cutes the instructions in a high-level language program. Python’s syntax is clear and intuitive, which makes it an excellent choice for beginners. The language emphasizes readability, which helps with maintaining and updating code. Python is used in many areas such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more. Its versatility comes from a large number of libraries and frameworks that extend its capabilities.

Fun Fact: Python isn’t named after the snake but after the British comedy group Monty Python. Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, was reading the published scripts from “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” at the time he began implementing Python and wanted a name that was short, unique, and slightly mysterious.

Popular Software Applications and platforms have been developed using Python. Here are some examples:

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Program Agenda

Date Module
June 10 (Monday)
Building your First Python Application

–              Data Types

–              Python Operators

–              Variables

–              Comments

–              Built-in function

–              Calculation

–              String concatenation.

–              F-strings

–              Display “Hello World”

June 11 (Tuesday)

–              For loop

–              Nested Loop

–              While loop

If condition

–              If, elif, else

–              Nested if statements

Reading & Writing to a File

–              Reading a CSV file

–              Writing to a CSV file

–              Reading a Text file

–              Writing to a Text file

June 12 (Wednesday)


  • Introduction to Function
  • Void Function
  • Create a Program to Use Functions.
  • Local Variables
  • Passing Arguments to Functions
  • Global Constants and Global Variables


  • Introduction to Recursion
  • Base Case and Recursive Case
  • Problem Solving with Recursion

Examples of Recursive Algorithms

June 13 (Thursday) List

  • Referencing items by position
  • List slicing.
  • Looping through a List
  • Copying a list
  • Using list comprehensionsDictionary
    • Looping through a Dictionary
    • Copying a Dictionary
    • Nested Dictionaries
    • Creating a dictionary from the list comprehension


    • Plotting Data with matplotlib
    • Line graph.
    • Bar graph
    • Pie chart


    • Union of set
    • Intersection of set
    • Difference VS Symmetric Difference of Sets

    Plot Venn Diagram

June 14 (Friday) Object Oriented Programming

  • UML Diagram
  • Classes and Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

Example Demonstration

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